This app has decided to make it easier to archive (one swipe) an e-mail than to delete it (one tap to check + one tap up top to delete). This. Is. Not. Okay. It’s not user intuitive. Who in the world is going to archive more emails than they delete?! I understand that it can be nice to select several emails and delete them as a group - so keep that function as is. But to “archive” is a much more seldom need than to “delete,” so make the archive function a button up top you can tap and make the “left swipe” a secondary delete function. Please, for the love. End my insanity. I even tried googling how to fix this and people are actually posting about their frustration with the same thing! YOU ARE GOOGLE. You can fix this. I doubt I’ll be heard in a sea of 43k reviews but I had to cry for help in the chance that someone Silicon Valley hears me...
jjl2511 about
Gmail - Email by Google, v5.0.180107